Trip and Fall Prevention Tips

In our senior years, trips and falls are all the more common because we tend to lose core strength and balance. At the same time, falls among seniors are also more dangerous since our bones also get weaker as we age. So, trips and falls are more likely to lead to broken bones. For these reasons, it is so important to know how to prevent trips and falls among seniors, and to know how to respond in the event of an accident.

Check your eyesight and hearing

Our senses tend to deteriorate as we get older, leading to more problems with eyesight and hearing. Obviously, you’re more likely to trip over something if you can’t properly see where you’re going. Plus, poor hearing can affect your balance, making falls more likely. Make sure to regularly get your eyesight and hearing tested and treated as needed.

Reduce clutter

Trips are also more likely if there are things lying around the floor to trip over, or furniture sticking out awkwardly. Make sure to keep your home tidy and free of clutter to help prevent trips and falls. If mobility problems make it difficult to keep up with household chores, then consider asking a friend or family member to help out, or hire in-home care or cleaning services.

Install grab rails

Grab rails installed around the home will help you steady yourself and regain your balance, making slips and falls less likely. Grab rails are especially useful in the bathroom where there may be slippery surfaces. These rails can help you get into and out of the bath/shower safely and make sitting down and getting up off the toilet easier.

Make floors non-slip

Another way to reduce the risk of slippery surfaces is to install flooring that is non-slip, or adding grippy finishes to existing flooring. Floors in the kitchen and especially the bathroom can get wet, making it more difficult to grip on them. Here are some tips for making tiled floors non-slippery.

Keep fit

A big reason behind slips, trips, and falls among seniors is the loss of muscle and bone strength. By staying active and keeping fit as you age, the risk of falling becomes much less. Core strength is especially important for balance. Yoga is a good example of an exercise that is low-impact but really good for your core strength. Even walking a small amount every day can help to maintain your muscle mass and bone density.

If you are worried about the safety and wellbeing of a senior relative who’s living alone, then contact Bermuda Village to find out more about the different care services available, including our independent living and assisted living communities in Bermuda Run Country Club.