Transitioning to Assisted Living from Short-Term Rehab
— in BlogWhen senior patients are discharged from the hospital and go straight back to their home, success rates are not great. Many patients end up being readmitted within a short space of time afterward. Maybe they weren’t ready to be discharged or maybe they just needed more post-care. Short-term rehabilitation is a good way to ease the transition from the hospital to regular living, giving the patient access to around the clock care, medication, and rehab exercises and activities.
Short-term rehab typically lasts for around 4-6 weeks, although this will vary. Afterward, you need to determine the best option for returning to everyday life. Some patients may be fit and ready to go back home, while others may need assisted living if they need a continuation of care. You will have access to a lot of the same support you received in short-term rehab, but on less of an around-the-clock basis.
This is another transition that could be challenging for seniors, so here are a few quick tips on how to ease the transition from short-term rehab to assisted living.
Make sure you’re well informed
Research the community or facility you’re moving to and ask any questions you have about it and your future life there. Knowing as much as you can about it will make you much more comfortable and can reduce the stress of moving into the unknown. Visiting your new apartment before you move can also be helpful if this is possible.
Get support
You shouldn’t be ashamed to rely on your loved ones and even your care staff for support during this transition. Regular visits from your family both in rehab and in assisted living helps greatly with your emotional well-being during this time. Getting their help with moving your belongings for you is also a big advantage for easing the process.
Make your new place feel like home
Have your important possessions moved to your assisted living apartment and decorate it in a way that feels like home. You can do this once you move in or have your family members go ahead and decorate for you while you’re still in rehab. This will give you a comfortable and almost familiar place to move into.
The transition is an important process and not one that you should rush through without thought. You should have support throughout this stage so that the change is not such a shock to the system, and it’s important that your care team are fully aware of the support you need.
Bermuda Village not only provide assisted living for seniors, but we also help you during this sometimes difficult transition.
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